
Scientific Programmes

Zoological Programme

Algeria/Mali/Ivory Coast
September/November 1979
Completed by O.W.N. Shepard for the
British Museum, Natural History Department

Oceanographic Research

Based from M. V. Benjamin Bowring Arctic and Antarctic; Atlantic and Pacific
December 1979 – August 1982
by Dr C. McQuaid and L. Rickett. Cape Town University.

Birds and Mammals observed from M.V. Benjamin Bowring South Atlantic and Ross Sea

January/February 1981,
by Jennifer Bassett and Graham Wilson
on behalf of New Zealand International Survey of Antarctic Seabirds (ISAS)

Ross Sea Survey 1981

Dr F. J. Dave, Geophysics Division, DSIR;
Dr D. J. Bennett, Geophysics Division, DSIR;
Prof. D. A. Christoffel, Victoria University, Wellington;
Dr. D. Burns, N.Z. Oceanographic Institute;
Dr R. Grange, N.Z. Oceanographic Institute;
T. Dean, Geophysics Division, DSIR;
K. Rose, Geophysics Division, DSIR.

Magnetospheric Research ELF/VLF Programme

Completed at Ryvingen camp April/October 1980
by Virginia Fiennes for
Sheffield University Space Physics Department.

High Frequency Programme

Ryvingen camp April 1980/January 1981.
Completed by Virginia Fiennes for
Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough

ELF/VLF Research at Ryvingen

April-November 1980
Dr A. J. Smith of the British Antarctic Survey
P. Jenkins of the University of Sheffield.

Triangulation Experiment

Meteorological Records

by M. V. Benjamin Bowring, South Pacific. May/October 1980

Some comments on the climatological and other aspects of the Transglobe Expedition

by G. de Q. Robin
Director of the Scott Polar Research Institute

Glaciological Programme

Antarctic Traverse October 1980/January 1981.
Completed by O. W. N. Shepard for
Scott Polar Research Institute.

Non-Glaciological Programme

Antarctica, January 1980/January 1981.
Completed by O. W. N. Shepard

Antarctic Crossing Journey

Altimetry for Satellite Imagery verifications
Completed by O.W.N. Shepard for the
Scott Polar Research Institute

Arctic Ocean Glaciological Programme

Alert/N. Pole/Svalbard, Jan/Aug 1982
Completed by Ranulph Fiennes for
Scott Polar Research Institute and Polar Continental Shelf Project
(Drs P. Wadhams and R. Koerner)

Interpretation of Arctic Ocean Ice Records by Transglobe Expedition

Primary Productivity

Research based from M. V. Benjamin Bowring,
Svalbard region. May/July 1982,
by J. Reynolds of Southampton University